Lieutenant Governor
Eleni Kounalakis

Office of the Lt. Governor of California Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis

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About the Office of Lieutenant Governor

The Lieutenant Governor of California plays a vital role in state leadership, serving as Acting Governor when the Governor is out of state and assuming the office if a vacancy occurs. As President of the Senate, the Lieutenant Governor casts tie-breaking votes and serves on key higher education boards, including the University of California, California State University, and California Community Colleges. Additionally, the Lieutenant Governor chairs the State Lands Commission in alternating years, overseeing millions of acres of state-owned land and coastal resources. 

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California Lieutenant Governor

Eleni Kounalakis

Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis was sworn in as the 50th Lieutenant Governor of California by Governor Gavin Newsom on January 7th, 2019. She is the first woman elected Lt. Governor of California. A native Californian, she visited each of the state’s 58 counties during her historic campaign. In addition to her duties as Lt. Governor, Kounalakis is California’s Representative for International Affairs and Trade, appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom by executive order.

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